Carter's Treasure Read online

Page 10

  Carter put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “I know what you mean.” Arriving at their entrance, security let them in. “I know it’s late by your standards, but it’s only about eight-thirty. Can we still go sit somewhere and talk?”

  She snickered up at him. “Is that what you’re going to call it?”

  He tickled her waist. “Ha ha ha. You think you’re cute huh?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Well, I have to agree with you.” He winked down at her. “Come on, I know you want to get up early to run, but don’t go yet. Please?”

  “You’ve been a bad influence on me, keeping me up all hours of the night, drinking...”

  He cut her off, “Wow, what was it, eleven last night and one beer tonight? Yep, that’s me, a real bad boy.”

  “Yep.” She swung around to face him and put her arms around his neck to stop him from walking. “You’re the kind they try to protect me from, huh? Yes I’d like to ‘talk’ with you too,” she said, using air quotes to be funny.

  “You’re a real comedian.”

  “Yeah, but you picked me, remember?”

  “Yes, I did, didn’t I, Gorgeous?” he said proudly and she just laughed. They continued to walk through the pits toward where the motorhomes were parked. There were a few chairs and tables set up in a corner that wasn’t well lit, and he motioned that direction. He pulled in a subtle breath and mentally crossed his fingers. “We could sit there. Or…if you trust me…we could go to my motorhome.” He could hear the hesitation in his own voice, but he didn’t care.

  He waited a second before asking again. He knew she was more than a little apprehensive, and by all rights. He expected that. He also found it very endearing. “So, what do you say? Do you trust me?” He could see the gears turning in her head. Holding her in his arms, he could feel the battle between her heart and her mind.

  She glanced up at him, then quickly back down at the ground. “Yeah,” she said softly as she looked back up, lingering on his mouth before her eyes reached his.

  They continued walking to his motorhome. Once he opened the door for her, he could feel the stress radiating off of her. She had gotten very quiet, a complete one-eighty from her confidence in the bar. Carter half expected her to bolt before she actually stepped inside his motorhome. He had to silently tell himself to slow down. It was just so hard when all he really wanted to do was walk her on back to the bedroom and rip off those tight ass jeans and taunting little tank top. Instead, he held his breath and waited for her next move.

  She hated that at twenty-six she was freaked out by being alone with a guy. Maybe because it was this guy, the guy. The one she had been waiting for her whole adult life. She was trying really hard to act like it was no big deal, but this whole situation was new territory for her. She knew she had to be the oldest virgin ever.

  Maybe if she would have just gotten it over with when she was younger, there wouldn’t be this pressure now. That one guy, oh hell, out by the back creek. What was his name? He wanted me. Humph. Shit. No. That guy was a jackass. No, Carter was the reason she had waited. Nerves and all, she wanted to find someone special. Through all the years of hanging out with other racers and meeting hundreds of fan, not one earned a second glance.

  Then there was him.

  One look in his ice blue eyes and she was mesmerized. One touch of his hand, she tingled on contact. The smell of his cologne, masculine and completely him, made her head swim. The way his voice melted over her, warm and relaxing, soothing her when she needed to be calmed. All of it. With a force stronger than Mother Nature, she was drawn to him. She knew, waiting all those years, he was out there somewhere.

  He turned a couple of lights on. “You want something to drink? I know you’re not a big pop drinker, but I have juice and water.”

  “Um, a water would be great, thanks,” she answered barely louder than a whisper. She was still looking around nervously. “This is really nice inside.”

  Like James’s, it was more of a house on wheels. It was beautiful inside with a full kitchen, a nice little living room, and a separate bedroom with a door and tons of amenities, even a washer and dryer unit. She understood why he didn’t fly back and forth all over the country, this was way easier. That’s how James had done things when she’d raced, too.

  Carter came out from the kitchen area with two bottles of water. “Yeah, I figure I want to be comfortable when I’m living it in most of the year. When we have long breaks, I just drive back to my folks and stay there.” He motioned to the couch. “Here, have a seat.”

  He opened her water and handed it to her as she slowly sat down on the couch. He sat next to her, but crooked so they could see each other. She took a sip of the cold water, and then bit her bottom lip. Carter sucked in a deep breath. It was audible and she looked at him questioningly.

  “You’re going to have to quit doing that,” he teased.


  “The lip thing, it is an absolute turn on.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh…um.”

  “It’s okay, Gorgeous, I’m teasing you. But it gets me every time I see you do it.”

  She offered him a tiny smile.

  “Maybe next weekend I can take you out for dinner, just the two of us?”

  “I’d like that.” He reached for her hand, pulling it toward his mouth to brush his lips across her knuckles. He took her water and placed them both on the coffee table to free their hands. He held one arm open and used the other to gently pull her close. “Here, can I just hold you?”

  Her heart skipped at least three beats and then threatened to quit beating altogether. She knew she could trust this man. Molly didn’t know how she knew, but she could feel it. Deep in her soul, she knew she was safe in his arms, without a question.

  A wave of tingles washed over her from head to toe as she scooted next to him. She slid as close as she could before he moved to adjust them, sliding one leg down the couch and pulling her in between his legs. Molly tried to take a couple of faint, calming breaths and hoped he wouldn’t pick up on her nerves. She rested her back up against his chest and could feel his heart beating through her thin tank top. More like pounding, hard and fast. Molly grinned to herself. At least she wasn’t the only one affected. He rubbed his fingers up and down her bare arms, sitting in silence for awhile. She snuggled back into his arms, wishing the moment could last forever. A sense of peace settled over her and she let her eyes slowly close.

  “This is nice, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice lower.

  She smiled to herself again and nodded.

  “I have to tell you this is the most relaxed I’ve ever gone into a race,” he said.

  “Really, how come?” She scooted into the crook of his arm so she could look up at him and see his face.

  “Because of you, Gorgeous.”


  “Yes…” he drew out, “You.”

  He bent down to kiss her softly on the lips then lifted his head up to look in her eyes. His free hand moved to her face, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. Gently, Carter eased her head back to kiss her again. She parted her lips for him and he slipped his tongue in her mouth to deepen the kiss. He started lightly rubbing her shoulder, and then down her arm and back up. Molly moved that same arm up, wanting to touch his face, unintentionally exposing her side.

  The peace and tranquility she felt only a moment ago gave way to need. Her mind was spinning as she tried to assess what she was doing, but all level-headed thinking had vanished. In its place was a feeling she had never known.

  Carter slid his hand down from her shoulder and eased it down her side. When he did, his thumb brushed the side of her breast. She sucked in a sharp breath at the touch. Oh God. She wasn’t sure where the line needed to be drawn, she didn’t know how far he’d try to push, but it just felt so right. He continued to lightly stroke that spot, just on the side. His kiss slowed, and then he lifted his lips completely from hers.

  She slowl
y opened her eyes, even though they were so heavy, and a nervous little smile breezed over her face.

  He took a finger and traced her jaw line. Molly focused on his eyes. Seeing the need and power in the pale blue, but also an understanding, kept her calm. Even though her senses were on overload, he had a quietness about him that relieved her fears, leaving only trust for the man who was holding her. His finger slowly started down her neck then softly he traced the neckline of her tank top. Her breath caught and she bit her lip, but she kept her focus on the eyes watching hers. She knew he was looking for signs. Cautiously testing her, but watching for the exact moment when it was too much, too soon. The trust she felt for him propelled her to want more.

  Her breathing became choppier as Carter eased his hand down the middle of her body until he reached her waist. Her tank had conveniently crept up, exposing her flat stomach; his fingers started gently rubbing her soft skin. Then slowly, his hand started making its way back up, but this time, under her tank.

  She knew there was a point in which she was going to have to tell him that it was enough. To not go any further—yet. She just wished she knew what that point was. As nervous and scared as she should be, as she normally would’ve been, she wasn’t. She was anxious, but not nervous.

  Instead, she adjusted to turn toward him and pulled his mouth to hers. Her breathing was louder and much faster now. He caressed her over the black lace until he found the front clasp. It popped open easily.

  She didn’t know she’d been holding her breath until it came out with a whoosh. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. She grasped for a deeper breath and kissed him almost desperately. She had been teetering on the line, and she was pretty sure she needed to stop this. But, oh God, she had never felt like this before. Her heart was racing and she felt like she was on fire, inside and out. She had been on the pill forever, but did that really work? Did she really want to be one of those girls that went to bed with a guy she’d just met? She had a million questions and only one answer. She didn’t want him to stop.

  Her hand slid down from his neck to his heart as his lips moved to her jaw line The next thing she knew, he was laying stretched out beside her with a leg draped between hers. Feeling for the hem of his t-shirt, she quickly pulled it up, needing to feel the warmth of his skin. Carter quickly helped pull it off, and immediately she tangled the fingers of one hand in his hair. The other she ran down his chest over each rippled muscle. Molly felt his pulse beat under her hand as she grazed his heart, making her way down his chest, heard him suck in a breath as her hand moved lower.

  He must have pulled on a will power she wasn’t sure she possessed, because Carter slowed the kiss. He propped himself up on one elbow, his breaths just as loud and out of control as hers.

  “God, you are beautiful.” He placed a soft little kiss on the bare skin just above her tank line.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes, and tried to take a deep breath, but it caught again. That simple noise kept giving her away. She gazed in his eyes and let her hand wander over his chest.

  He bent down to kiss her lips again. “I’m sorry, I got carried away. I didn’t mean to. I really did just want to spend more time with you,” he said, but at the same time, his hand was still under her top, caressing her breast, running his thumb gently over the tip. She pulled his face to hers to kiss him softly. He broke again. “Are you upset? I promised you. I told you I’d control myself, I’m so sorry, Molly.”

  Again she tried to kiss his apology away. “I could have stopped you at any point. I know, without a doubt, that at any moment I said no, you would have stopped. And without making me feel bad.” She looked in his eyes. “I didn’t stop you.” Molly said slowly and intently.

  He bent down to kiss her sweetly again, and smiled.

  “Don’t feel guilty, Carter. I have to admit to you, only to make you feel better…” She smiled. “I don’t know if I—”

  “I know,” he interrupted, “But I also know you don’t want to get carried away on a couch the first weekend we’re together. I want your first time to be special. I want to take you somewhere nice, somewhere not surrounded by bike trailers.” He grinned down at her. “I’ll admit to you, I don’t have anything here, anyway.”

  “Anything, what?”

  “Anything, like…condoms.”

  She could tell he was trying to be funny with the way he drew out the answer, and she couldn’t help the fit of giggles that was about to burst out.

  “And I don’t want to just assume you’re on the pill.”

  Between nerves, excitement, and the sudden attack of embarrassment, she lost control, the laughter unstoppable.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I thought guys kept boxes and boxes of those things around at all times.”

  He squeezed her breast that was still in his hand. “Ow,” she laughed.

  “You’re in an awkward spot here to be making jokes, good looking. No. Not all of us keep them on hand. Just so you know, I’ve only been with a few women and only in long term relationships. I want to have this conversation, because, well, I think it’s important to know sexual history, but…ah…not right this minute.”

  “Thank you,” she replied grinning. “It definitely ruins the mood.”

  “But you appreciate my honesty, right?” He tickled her. Laughing, she tried to tickle him back, but he easily rolled on top of her and pinned her arms down above her head. Still laughing, she wiggled, but couldn’t move.

  Kissing her, Carter slid one palm down her back and they shifted to their sides, facing each other again with their legs tangled. His palm on the small of her back pressed her into him. Her stomach did another little flip-flop when she felt…him. She wrapped herself around him to answer. His kiss moved to her neck and jaw and she could feel his tongue on her skin, the bite of his late day whiskers brushing against her.

  Out of breath, she whispered, “I think we’re in dangerous territory.”

  “I know,” he whimpered. He responded by kissing her more urgently than he ever had before. “I just can’t help myself, I can’t get,” he said as he gasped for a breath, “enough of you.”

  Carter sucked in air, and Molly could tell he was doing everything in his power to keep himself reined in, something she greatly appreciated. She could tell he was being sensitive to her needs over his. He moved to kiss her lips, but more gently. “Will you just lie here with me for awhile? Please?”

  She could feel his heart beat as she continued to rub his arm and back. “There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be.”

  And there wasn’t. In his arms, she felt everything she’d been missing. He was powerful and strong enough to keep her safe, but gentle with her feelings. He was funny and loved to laugh but was fiercely protective of her already. And hot, the man was made for the cover of GQ Magazine.

  She let out a sigh, content to stay in his arms.

  Then her cell rang.

  “Three guesses.”

  “I have a feeling I know who it is, Gorgeous.” Carter sat up quickly so she could get up. “Could be worse, he could have just come knocking on the door.”

  Molly was laughing at Carter’s reply as she answered. Without looking at caller ID, she knew who it was. “Yes?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh good Lord, Brody. It’s not like Carter, Jesse, and Eli are all in here having an orgy with me. It’s just Carter and I and we’re just…oh wait…hey, Carter, you forgot to zip your pants back up. Sorry about that, Brody…we’re just talking.”

  Molly looked down at the phone that was silent. “Oops. Probably shouldn’t have said that. I guess that was kinda like poking an angry bear with a stick, huh?”

  Carter smirked at her as he quickly threw his t-shirt back on.

  “I’d bet good money he’ll be here any sec—”

  The pounding on the door startled her, even though she knew it was coming. “Second. Told ya.” Molly couldn’t help it as another fit of nervous giggles escaped.

nbsp; “It’s a good thing you’re cute, little girl.” Carter tried to look stern, but Molly only laughed harder at the good looking man watching her with his wicked little grin and an ornery glimmer in his eyes.

  Carter opened the door to reveal a fuming Brody who was leaning with one hand on each side of the door frame.

  “Brody, we were just talking.”

  “And now…you’re done.”

  Chapter Eight

  It was almost seven a.m. and she was just about finished running. Molly had started with running up and down the staircases of the lower level and then moved to running laps on the track. She had been going for over two hours and was horribly hot and sweaty, even in just spandex running shorts and a sports bra. Her hair was pulled up in a pony tail, but around her face and neck was soaking wet. She had her iPod up especially loud because of the dozers and bobcat working on the track.

  All of the sudden, she felt a tingle, a whisper across her shoulder blades. A few other workers had come in to help with the touch ups on the track since she had been there, but she stopped and looked around anyway. Seeing nothing out of the normal at first, she continued to scan the mostly empty stadium. Standing at the railing of the lower level seating, she saw the sexy as sin man smiling down at her. Relief and excitement both washed over her, and she jogged Carter’s direction.

  “Wow, you’re up early,” Molly teased him.

  “Look who’s talking.”

  “I really didn’t want you to see me looking like this for at least a few weeks. You know, keep up the pretty all the time front”.

  She wiped her brow with her bare arm. Laughing, he grabbed her to hug her to him, running his palm down her back that she could feel was slick with sweat. Ugh, so much for showering before she saw him this morning.

  “Good morning.” He leaned in, placing a soft kiss against her forehead.

  “Good morning.”

  “You look amazing, by the way.”